Exquisite love

I stuck my toes back into the world of “crafting” just a few months ago when a friend gently persuaded me to participate in a craft market that she was organizing. I’m sure we all go through those periods of creative block and agreeing to create some beauties for the craft market created anxiety as I tried to will my mind to pop out creative ideas. It started slow and required lots of trying this and trying that but once the creative process had begun to flow again it was like welcoming a long lost friend back into my life! I owe a debt of gratitude to that friend who encouraged me.

What I didn’t realize at the time was that God was actually awakening in me something that He had placed deep within my soul.The passion hadn’t left me it was always there but I wasn’t paying it much attention!

In the words of Emily Freeman{www.chattingatthesky.com} ….He comes into us and it comes out in ” A Million Little Ways”!

I am just beginning to understand what that means!

In the past several weeks I have witnessed exquisite {art}…. pictures of love! Pictures that I wish you all could see because they were so moving. One involved a few hours that my husband and I spent with family as we visited with my uncle. This visit was so different than any other time. His tall strong stature was seemingly small and frail. His life giving smile and personality were missing as he lay in bed with oxygen helping his breath.
I watched the faces of his wife,children,grandchildren & great-grandchildren.Very little words were spoken but the air was thick with the unspoken love between generations.I love you’s were whispered and the gentle upward movement of his eyebrows gave indication of love returned.The everyday tasks and errands and activities came to a halt that day as everyone gathered.

Another masterpiece was painted this past weekend as I spent time in the mountains with a dozen or so ladies celebrating the birthday of a sweet friend. In every corner there were pictures of exquisite love….some creating meals,others beautiful conversation full of life giving words,others adding laughter and humor, sharing pain and joy.There was a soothing calm in the midst of all the activity that spoke of the trust, love, comfort and life! Stories shared, hearts revealed, pain unveiled with the backdrop of majestic mountains, watercolor sunsets and meadows speckled with color and texture.

I hope you see a glimpse of this in your own life…today.. see the ordinary in an extraordinary way! Tuck those images in your heart.Savor them for what they are…exquisite masterpieces…pictures of His love for us and our love in return!

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